Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm *so* excited!

Well, we're finally going to take a dance class!

I've been wanting to for a few years now, but either
A.) We lived in an area too small to offer dance classes or
B.) The classes were held on meeting nights.

So when, last week, the newest leisure guide arrived and I found that there was a "Social Dance - Waltz" class starting soon, and to be held on Wednesday nights, I emailed Chad at work right away!! We registered today, our first lesson is April 4th, and the class runs till May 2nd.

It should be fun! Or at least, it'll be exercise. :) And maybe I'll be a little more confident dancing...

Oh! And something else. We've both joined the local photography club. They meet once a month (on Monday evenings), and have guest speakers/instructors, little competitions, and field trips and such. We're going on a field trip this Saturday at the Kasiks Wilderness resort (between here and Terrace). We'll be looking for opportunities to photograph swans (they're in the area right now) and maybe moose... or whatever else happens to wander by. :) There'll be either one or two guest instructors who will be observing us in the morning, and who will thereafter give us pointers on how we could improve in our techniques. I'm looking forward to it.

And guess what? One of the field trips they're in the process of planning is with a real-life CSI guy who's going to show us some of the photography techniques they use in the field, and then let us try them out. How awesome is THAT??!! Suits me perfectly seeing as how I've been interested in the field for so long! I can hardly wait!

On a less exciting note, rehearsals for the pit orchestra have been painful so far... man do I ever suck right now! I've got plans to go out in service tomorrow morning, but I plan to really hit the "books" in the afternoon.
Oh, and my parents are planning to come up to "watch" me in the pit. Heh... they won't see much of me during the show, but they're going to stay for a few days. It should be so nice!


Anonymous said...

our visit is in the "on a less exciting note" paragraph

Amber said...

LOL - *sorry*

It IS in a separate paragraph though! I only meant the rehearsals are less exciting!

Anonymous said...

this is the first time I didnt have to sign a field trip permission slip for you hope you had a good time!

Anonymous said...

Come dance with me....