Monday, February 05, 2007

Impulses and Challenges of the Creative Kind

Remember a while back, I talked about joining a pit orchestra for a community performance? Well, a while later, I started feeling a bit overwhelmed for a few reasons:
My clarinet needed fixing
I was supposed to learn how to play tenor sax...
I couldn't locate a tenor sax to buy / borrow / rent / steal (j/k)
I hadn't seen the music...

So I sent an email and opted out of the orchestra, feeling it was better to do so early, so they'd have time to find others to play. Whew, was that a relief.

Then, two weeks ago, they had their first rehearsal; and felt they were short on musicians. So Jim (a brother in our hall who's playing alto sax in the orchestra, and is the one who initially told me about it) phoned and pleaded on behalf of them for me to reconsider joining.

So I did.
I'm playing just flute and clarinet parts now - no need to learn tenor - and I have my clarinet back; and I've got copies of the music.

But now I wonder what I've gotten myself into! It's been ages since I played. And I discovered - I can't even read the super-super high or super-super low notes, let alone know the fingering for them.

I went and got a couple of beginner's books for clarinet to reteach myself some of the things I've lost touch with. Tomorrow's the next rehearsal, sooooooo.... I wonder if they're going to kick me out... heh.

So that's the "challenges" mentioned in the title. As for impulses? Well, kind of two-fold, really. I've been writing down poetic lines - that's been happening a lot lately. I haven't actually written in quite some time, so I suspect I will probably end up writing pieces of poems for a while before the creativity and desire allows me to complete them.

And, I've been taking photos... I would post them here, but there seems to be hiccups in the upload process at the moment. So, here's a link to my flickr page where you can see all my latest uploads (if you want) :)
AND - Chad has his *own* flickr page now, too, so take a look at his!
Oh, and in closing -- You may have a relationship, OR keep a scorecard. Not both.
(just had to get that out).


Anonymous said...

WOW, sounds like you haeva lot to chew!! LOL but sounds like a very interesting opportunity!!! I think that would be fun, i am glad you decided to go with it! im sure they will love you! :)

Anonymous said...

you're going to be just fine