Friday, July 13, 2007

Alaska was Amazing!

So here's some more about our trip...
We went on an Ultimate Thrills ride one afternoon. Chad was in a store getting memory for his camera, and while I waited, I could see this ride at a place across the highway. It was like a giant slingshot - and you get to sit on the "rock"...

You get the idea, right??

It was totally, terrifyingly AWESOME. 11 stories... 4 G's of force...

We tried to film it with our Sony camera, but Chad accidentally hit "off" instead of "record". D'oh!

Fun, huh?! It was such an adrenalin rush! Waaaaaaaaaaa hooooooooooooo!!!

So let's see, we saw (in the wild): LOTS of moose; black bears, a grizzly bear who was eating dandelions, while surrounded also by purple lupins; a beaver; porcupines; rabbits; gophers; marmot mom & pup; foxes; a wolf; squirrels; swans; seagull colony with chicks in the nest; harbour seals; sea otters; dall sheep; mating dragonflies; sandhill cranes; Chad got pooped on by colony-defending seagulls while getting pictures of geese & goslings; a grouse with two chicks, a pair of Arctic Terns (they're really pretty, especially in the air) and, magpies! (They're one of my favourites - and we haven't seen them since we lived in Princeton; so I was really excited.) We also saw, in captivity: buffalo, muskoxen, elk, plus some of the animals also mentioned above.

We went to a day and a half (Friday morning, and all of Saturday) of the Convention in Anchorage. There were around 2,700 people while we were there.

Also, we had to camp at the border because the crossings are only open for certain hours each day; but it was neat, cuz we saw the sun set around 1 am, and rise around 3, without getting dark in between. It's a really strange feeling!

We camped ten nights all together, and didn't have even a single campfire! I did, however, have two days' worth of diarrhea. That was fun. Actually, that was the crappiest part of the whole trip! :p Good thing we'd bought that porta potty!

So, check out our pictures: mine are here and Chad's are here.

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